Search results for: 'profilschienenbügelschellen'
No exact results found for: 'profilschienenbügelschellen'. The displayed items are the closest matches.
KU 50 E5
Screw head plate for profile U 50, stainless steel, Mat.code: 1.4571, stained, incl. accessories
Excl. 0% VAT
EAN 4013339728800
RSV 50.050 E3
Distribution tray/luminaire support profile, 50x50x3000 mm, perforated, stainless steel, material code: 1.4301, AISI 304
Excl. 0% VAT
EAN 4013339333523
RSV 50.100 E3
Distribution tray/luminaire support profile, 50x100x3000 mm, perforate, stainless steel, material code: 1.4301, 1.4303
Excl. 0% VAT
EAN 4013339333547
KNT 50/50 E3
Cross connector 90°, for connecting profile U 50 to U 50, stainless steel, material code: 1.4301, AISI 304, incl. accessories
Excl. 0% VAT
EAN 4013339088683
KUD 50 E3
Screw head plate for double U-profile 50, stainless steel,material: 1.4301, AISI 304, stained, incl. accessories
Excl. 0% VAT
EAN 4013339330706
KUDP 50 E3
Clamping head plate for profile U 50, stainless steel,material: 1.4301, AISI 304, stained, incl. accessories
Excl. 0% VAT
EAN 4013339770946
KUDK 50 E3
Clamping head plate for profile U 50, stainless steel,material: 1.4301, AISI 304, stained, incl. accessories
Excl. 0% VAT
EAN 4013339770960
KU 6040 E3
Screw head plate for profile U 6040, stainless steel,material: 1.4301, AISI 304, stained, incl. accessories
Excl. 0% VAT
EAN 4013339892136
VB 50 E5
Longitudinal connector for profile U 50 and U 5050, stainless steel, material code: 1.4571, incl. accessories
Excl. 0% VAT
EAN 4013339729005
KUGV 50 E3
Screw head plate for profile U 50, stainless steel,material: 1.4301, AISI 304, stained, incl. accessories
Excl. 0% VAT
EAN 4013339770908
KUGV 50 E5
Screw head plate for profile U 50, stainless steel, Mat.code: 1.4571, stained, incl. accessories
Excl. 0% VAT
EAN 4013339728855
KUGH 50 E3
Screw head plate for profile U 50, stainless steel,material: 1.4301, AISI 304, stained, incl. accessories
Excl. 0% VAT
EAN 4013339770922
KUGK 50 E3
Clamping head plate for profile U 50, stainless steel,material: 1.4301, AISI 304, stained, incl. accessories
Excl. 0% VAT
EAN 4013339770984
KUGP 50 E3
Clamping head plate for profile U 50, stainless steel,material: 1.4301, AISI 304, stained, incl. accessories
Excl. 0% VAT
EAN 4013339770991
VB 50 E3
Longitudinal connector for profile U 50 and U 5050, stainless steel, material code: 1.4301, AISI 304, incl. accessories
Excl. 0% VAT
EAN 4013339330966
KU 5050 E5
Screw head plate for profile U 5050, stainless steel, Mat.code: 1.4571, stained, incl. accessories
Excl. 0% VAT
EAN 4013339967322
VB 6040 E3
Longitudinal connector for profile U 6040 and U 4530, stainless steel, material code: 1.4301, AISI 304, incl. accessories
Excl. 0% VAT
EAN 4013339892143
DK 50
Protective cap, plastics, PVC-soft, colour yellow
Excl. 0% VAT
EAN 4013339347506
FLM 6X12 E5
Mushroom-head bolt M6, similar DIN 603, length 12 mm, stainless steel, material code: 1.4571
Excl. 0% VAT
EAN 4013339729104
B 14 E3
Cable U-clamp, for 1 cable, Ø 8-14 mm, slot width 16-17 mm, stain.steel,mat.: 1.4301, AISI 304, w. stainless steel pressure trough
Excl. 0% VAT
EAN 4013339081905
B 18 E3
Cable U-clamp, for 1 cable, Ø 12-18 mm, slot width 16-17 mm, stain.steel,mat.: 1.4301, AISI 304, w. stainless steel pressure trough
Excl. 0% VAT
EAN 4013339082001
B 22 E3
Cable U-clamp, for 1 cable, Ø 16-22 mm, slot width 16-17 mm, stain.steel,mat.: 1.4301, AISI 304, w. stainless steel pressure trough
Excl. 0% VAT
EAN 4013339082100
B 26 E3
Cable U-clamp, for 1 cable, Ø 22-26 mm, slot width 16-17 mm, stain.steel,mat.: 1.4301, AISI 304, w. stainless steel pressure trough
Excl. 0% VAT
EAN 4013339082209
B 30 E3
Cable U-clamp, for 1 cable, Ø 22-30 mm, slot width 16-17 mm, stain.steel,mat.: 1.4301, AISI 304, w. stainless steel pressure trough
Excl. 0% VAT
EAN 4013339082308
B 34 E3
Cable U-clamp, for 1 cable, Ø 28-34 mm, slot width 16-17 mm, stain.steel,mat.: 1.4301, AISI 304, w. stainless steel pressure trough
Excl. 0% VAT
EAN 4013339082407